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Welcome to Catalyst

Thanks for checking out Catalyst! What is Catalyst?

What can Catalyst do?

Catalyst is a generalist monitoring tool that can do a bit of everything. It can:

  • Capture logs and errors on both servers and clients
  • Capture user actions on clients
  • Capturing auth info
  • Capturing server durations
  • Track sessions end-to-end
  • Capture error rate, grouped by pages, and backend requests

What makes Catalyst different?

Catalyst is an opinionated monitoring tool that focuses on value out-of-the-box while being as unobtrusive to development as possible. After a quick setup, you'll get all the benefits of Catalyst.

Catalyst attempts to abstract away the concept of monitoring. You will not need to learn any monitoring-specific concepts (like spans and traces), and can simply build your product as you normally would. The Catalyst libraries handles the nuances of the differences between languages, and frontend vs backend development.

Who benefits most from Catalyst?

You will benefit most from Catalyst if the following describes your situation:

  • You are building a complex web application
  • Your server serves HTTP endpoints that returns HTTP error codes
  • Your team deploys relatively often
  • You don't want to spend time tinkering with monitoring, and want a solution that just works

If you fall under these criteria, Catalyst aims to be a drop-in monitoring solution that requires minimal effort to get going.

Catalyst is under development!

We are still adding support for libraries and frameworks. If your library and or framework isn't supported, feel free to reach out either through e-mail or via Discord.