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Monitoring that works out-of-the-box

Not getting value out of your current monitoring? Get better signal using less effort with Catalyst.
Error Rates - the Metric You Need-

With error rates by page and endpoint, you know exactly where and how severe your breakage is. Spend less time chasing false positives, and no time cleaning out error inboxes!

You get this out-of-the-box with Catalyst, no manual instrumentation or configuration.

Everything You Need to Debug+

Don't want to pay for another service? Good news, you don't have to.

Get a breakdown of logs and errors on your endpoints and pages, and a list of sessions with said errors in context. Track down issues with ease.

End-to-End Coverage+

Track clicks, navigation, backend calls, and errors across the stack.

Debug faster and better, with all your information in context.

Alerted for every issue+

By monitoring the symptoms, you'll get actionable and comprehensive alerts. No false positives, and no missing issues.

No need to pay for another alerting service either, we'll let you know when there's an issue!

The best option for teams that move fast

Set up in seconds
Check out our docs!
Value right away
Sensible defaults means no long setup or configuration before seeing value.
Actionable alerting
By monitoring error rates per-endpoint and per-page, your alerts will be actionable and comprehensive. Never miss an issue!
Less training required
Simple and doesn't introduce new concepts so your whole company can find value - no playbook required.
Everything you need
Covers your entire stack and gathers errors and logs. No need to buy another service!
& other error monitoring
Easy setup
Many client libraries available.
Noisy alerts
Noisy alerts are ineffective alerts. Errors don't always correspond with issues, so engineers quickly learn to ignore the alerts!
Constant maintenance required
The error inbox needs to be constantly groomed to be useful.
& other observability platforms
A lot of features
Has a lot features - useful if you know what you're doing and have the time to set everything up.
No value out-of-the-box
Having a lot of metrics isn't inherently useful! You must configure dashboards and write queries before getting value.
Instrument your own metrics
You'll need to instrument certain metrics yourself. You won't get error rates per endpoint out-of-the-box!
Nontrivial setup process
You'll need to run the agent as a sidecar process and install the client libraries.
Health Checks
Easy setup
Just point it at a URL.
Misses issues
Because it doesn't monitor user experience, it can miss issues for hours or even totally!
Doesn't help debug
Doesn't capture any other information to help you debug.
Other services required
You'll need to buy other monitoring services just to get everything you need!